Lewis & Clark College Collaboration

Sometimes a client just clicks. That has been my experience with Lewis & Clark College. The community-minded, visionary, progressive change-makers who make up the student body at L&C are constant inspirations to me and help me see the world through new positive perspectives.

After every session at Lewis & Clark, I think to myself "the kids are alright!"

I've been making photographs for Lewis & Clark since 2017 and each session reveals a new facet of campus, a new student with achievements, dreams and desires, a new goal to be reached, or a new milestone passed.

Through my collaboration with Lewis & Clark, I have met people, both students and employees, who have become mentees, become mentors, been inspirations, and become friends. Below are a sample of the diverse stories that my photos have helped illustrate. See so much more on the website: https://www.lclark.edu